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环球教育学习100元卡: 环球职业教育在线是目前国内学科最齐全且内容最权威的职业远程教育网站之一。拥有一大批专属权威辅导专家,这些专家有:职称英语全国最权威辅导名师---王霞,全国英语等级考试考官---常亚生,人事部经济师考试辅导专家----郭俊华,工程类课程著名辅导名师----王双增等人。
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医药类: 执业药师、临床执业、助理医师、卫生职称、中医师等
Sale Price: $15.35 Member Price: $15.1 Sorry, this item is unavailable now. Please check it later or buy another item or remind us to add stock.
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3. Satisfaction Guarantee: We are eBay powerseller and paypal verified. Tens of thousands of instant order processed! View Feedback

4. Security Reminder:Please use your own credit card only and provide us correct address, phone information. For security reason, certain orders require manual processing.

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